Application process
Completing a job application
Many employers require applicants to complete a job application form even if you have already submitted a resume and cover letter. This allows the employer to have consistent data on file for all potential applicants. The employer will also have a record of your personal and employment history, verified and signed by you.
Employment Connection offers a job application template which may be used as a guide for completing job applications at any employer. Below are instructions for preparing and completing our job application template.
- Gather information before completing the Job Application Template
- Assemble a list of your former employers, complete with dates of employment and contact information. If your work history is incomplete, try looking through old check stubs, tax documents, or obtain a work history print out from your local Social Security office (fees may apply).
- Make certain all spelling of company and supervisor names is correct. Do the same with phone numbers and addresses, making sure they are accurate.
- Employers are required to review certain personal documents before extending an offer of employment. Have your Social Security card and either a driver’s license or state ID with you when submitting your application.
- List all of the information you have gathered on the Job Application Template. Keep the printed version of your prepared template with you so you can complete the employer’s job application on site.
Being well prepared to complete the job application will leave an employer with a great first impression.
Applying for the Job
- Complete the Job Application
- When applying for a job in person go by yourself. Present yourself in a clean and professional manner. Turn off and put away your cell phone or any other electronic devices which may distract you.
- If required, fill out the application neatly, on site, in a timely manner. Otherwise, return the application as soon as possible.
- Be positive and avoid language or behavior that could be interpreted as inappropriate or negative. This could include: chewing gum; smoking; mingling with friends or relatives; using slang or other inappropriate language for the workplace.
- Review the application before returning it to the employer. Make sure all sections are completely filled in. If a section does not apply to you, write “N/A” which means “Not Applicable.” Submit the application to the person in charge with a smile, good posture, and a thank you.
Note about online applications
Many employers require an online application. When applying online use the same guidelines as above and be aware that many online applications are time consuming. Some applications may include a lengthy questionnaire or ask for additional information. Make sure you save a copy of the application and/or write down your login and password for future reference.