Job seekers information
Employment Connection is a CalWORKs employment program of the County of Santa Clara Social Services Agency which provides clients with the skills and resources needed to secure employment. To find out if you are eligible to participate in our program please contact the Assistance Application Center at (408) 758-3800 or visit the BenefitsCal website.
Each Employment Connection offers a variety of job search services to help job seekers obtain employment, all at no cost.
At the Employment Connection, job seekers will:
- Attend a week long job preparation workshop
- Obtain assistance in completing a job application, resume writing, job interviewing, retention skills and more
- Have access to computers, office machines and telephones
- Work one-on-one with an Employment Counselor
- Participate in workshops and small groups to enhance job readiness
- Meet directly with hiring managers at job fairs and recruitments
Employment Counselors work closely with each job seeker to determine next steps which might include:
- Comprehensive assessments
- Counseling and support
- Workshops
- Community resources
- Job networking services
- Work experience